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31 votes
6 answers

Why aren't weather balloons left in the atmosphere permanently?

I was reading about weather balloons and the articles said that weather balloon flights usually last about two hours. When I looked up why, some articles said that when the balloons get high enough in ...
user11937382's user avatar
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Forecasted temperature in the shade vs. theoretical "feels-like" temperature in the sun

I understand that different objects absorb different amounts of light (blackbody absorption). I wonder how feasible it would be to calculate the approximate temperature in the sun based upon the ...
OxC0FFEE's user avatar
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What is a wind chill formula that will work from -10 C to +50 C and uses wind speed in km/h?

I'm looking for a wind chill formula that will work from -10 °C to +50 °C and uses wind speed in km/h so that I can use this formula to add this element to a weather station I am programming. I don't ...
cowboydaniel's user avatar
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How much does a global model's accuracy change with the timestep?

I've been working with ICON, ICON-EU and GFS forecasts, and it seems like the temperature results are "close" for the same location, 6 hour forecasts and 120 hour forecasts - MAE: 5.7 and 6....
UgurZCifci's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does the magnitude of the uncertainty on temperature forecast fluctuate periodically

I remember several years ago, the weather report on the VRT (Flemish national media) would show the temperature forecast of the coming days and it would also show the uncertainty on that temperature. ...
Lu Kas's user avatar
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What is a reasonable range of values for resistance to heat flux?

I am developing a simple parameterisation scheme script to predict surface temperature. The script calculates six heat fluxes including sensible heat flux using a resistance to heat flux parameter. ...
makeyourownmaker's user avatar
2 votes
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Predicting the weather in two months [closed]

EDIT 6/13/2020: Actual Jan average from same website was 50.3 °F, which is even above my one-sigma bound, so I failed badly. What did I miss now that we have hindsight? On Nov 1, I looked at the ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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ISA Model and GFS data

I have a newbie question... I always used the International Standard Atmosphere model whenever I needed to calculate the temperature in a given altitude. It always looked accurate to me... However,...
guilhermecgs's user avatar