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Questions tagged [rock-magnetism]

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Crustal magnetic field of the Earth

Where can I find an accurate map of the Earth's crustal magnetic field?
Daniel J Rice's user avatar
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How do natural Earth magnets get their magnetic properties?

How do natural Earth magnets get their magnetic properties? And how do they not loss their magnetic properties over a long period of time?
Justintimeforfun's user avatar
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Identifying dense magnetic rock with tubular features [closed]

I recently found a few rocks scattered in a valley, without any clues about where they may have come from (they did not look anything like the local soil, rocks, or layers of rock that could be seen ...
Massagran's user avatar
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Can paleomagnetic techniques determine the exact direction of Earth's magnetic poles in the past, not just their polarity?

Since our planet's magnetic poles are not usually, precisely, lined up with the geographic poles of Earth's axis, and since they move around a lot, can paleomagneticists (is that a word?) determine ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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How accurate are paleomagnetic orientation measurements?

I am curious what the modern accuracy for paleomagnetic azimuthal orientation measurements are. Let's say for a magnetite grain, is the orientation of the magnetic moment for a single crystal resolved ...
thehungrygraduate's user avatar
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How do I find the Datum (Diurnal Correction) number for a Magnetometer

I’m a new prospector who was given the task of learning a GEM GSM-19T Proton Magnetometer. I’ve learned how to set it up, take base readings, and take walking surveys. However when setting up a base ...
DylanProspecter's user avatar
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More iron = Less remanent magnetic field

I am aware that iron is a magnetic mineral and through the process of thermoremanent magnetization it can store a record to the state of magnetization it formed in. I wanted to ask if there are any ...
Ahmed Abdulla's user avatar
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Can living where magnets are abundant provide a mini-magnetoshere?

Are there a mini-magnetosphere within the magnetosphere similar to mini-magnetosphere found on the Moon? Is there a map of these areas that would resemble the white swirls in the picture below? The ...
Muze's user avatar
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Is there a "submerged object" in Australia that causes a magnetic deviation of 20 degrees?

This answer quotes this blogpost as an example of a magnetic anomaly: Basalt formation, “Mt. Jim”, in remote north-east Victoria, Australia, has a magnetic anomaly -20 degree magnetic compass ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Is there a high-temperature, non-magnetic glue that doesn't dissolve in water?

I have very small mineral samples, and I'm looking for a glue that can hold them through a sample preparation process that I'm doing: heating, polishing, and measuring magnetic moment. For that I want ...
Galya 's user avatar
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Magnetic rocks no magnetite

I got some sand out of a river bed and moved a magnet through it. Some of the particles I picked up were definitely small crystals of magnetite, but a lot of others were small, round brown rocks that ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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A faster way to measure the rock magnetic S-ratio?

The S-ratio is commonly used in rock magnetic and enviromagnetic studies to quantify the relative abundances of minerals with high and low remanent coercivities. As most frequently defined (e.g. by ...
Pont's user avatar
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