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Questions tagged [winter]

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As small streams freeze solid, how can big rivers continue to carry water?

In areas of very cold temperatures (-20°C and below), it is not uncommon for small streams to freeze completely (as in, from top to bottom) and larger rivers to develop thick ice covers. However, ...
Callid's user avatar
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Why are nocturnal winter clouds so bright or so easily illuminated at night, compared to clouds in the summer?

In the winter when it's overcast, clouds at night are much brighter or more easily illuminated (unsure if they appear above cities/towns only) than in summer, making them look orange at night. I don't ...
Giovanni's user avatar
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Urban heat island effect during winter time?

Say a given populated area is considered an "urban heat island", this would mean that during summer, temperatures will be higher in that area. But what about winter? One could argue that ...
Stackaloo's user avatar
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Arctic polar vortex collapse

What if the Arctic vortex collapses (not forming during cold months) due to anthropogenic global warming and the warming of the Arctic Ocean? If it "dies" in the coming decades, is it likely ...
blablablanos's user avatar