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Questions tagged [global-weirding]

Global warming is said to lead to more extreme weather events, this is called global weirding

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Nuclear winter and global warming

Nuclear winter is often described as a still, cold winter night. But what kind of atmospheric instability would cooled air and heated ocean give rise to?
Lehs's user avatar
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When it comes the average lifetime of chemicals in the atmosphere, is the mean lifetime ~1.4427 times the half-life? As with radioactivity?

There are so many websites giving numbers for 'average' lifetimes of global-warming or ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere, yet they are rarely explicit in their definition(s)... For instance, ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Median earth temperature development in 20th century

Are there graphs with the median temperature development in the 20th century and if not, is there readily accessible data that can be used to calculate it? Median is statistically more stable, at the ...
Philip's user avatar
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Milankovitch cycles and what?

Observe the vertical green lines in this diagram: Those events shows when temperature starts to sink when radiance is at top or even before that. If there was a simple connection between radiance and ...
Lehs's user avatar
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How to improve this prediction about the climate in future?

The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the more global warming. The more global warming the more cloud formations that cool the earth and clean the air from carbon dioxid when rain- and snowfall, ...
Lehs's user avatar
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Can extratropical cyclones force global cooling?

We are living in a historical period of global warming since about 20,000 years ago. This global warming period is one of about ten in human history. Those periods may very well be forced to start by ...
Lehs's user avatar
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What regions of the US will have *improved* climate given current predictions of climate change?

This is really a two part question: 1) Is there a good model for mapping climate conditions in a particular location to pleasantness or livability or something like that? 2) If there is such a model,...
CoinsWorth's user avatar
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Is there a formula to calculate shoreline length or water position from ocean?

Assuming in the past the water of the oceans were lower does it also mean that the water was not where it is right now?
 If yes, then how do we calculate approximately where the water would have been ...
Emiliano's user avatar
9 votes
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What does global weirding mean regarding temperature extremes?

Global weirding is a term used to describe how, with global warming, we will see more extreme weather events: Avoid the term “global warming.” I prefer the term “global weirding,” because that is ...
mart's user avatar
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