Why are tropical cyclones forming earlier in the North Atlantic basin?
The shift appears to match up to a large change in the number of cyclones that peak as tropical storms in the early part of the TC season (here defined as March-July), shown by the blue (tropical ...
stretch phenomena after NMO application on seismic data
My understanding is the following (NB: it could be wrong!).
The assumption is that on a common shot gather, your travel time follows a hyperbolic curve:
f(x)=t^2=t_0^2 + \frac{x^2}{v^2},
where ...
Is there a global map of wind design loads or wind gust climatology?
Have you checked out Global Wind Atlas. It uses ERA5 reanalysis data then plugs it into meso and microscale models to get it down to a 250x250m grid.
ECMWF vs NOAA forecast data accuracy
You can compare verification scores using this application from ECMWF made from guidelines by the WMO. The example below fits nicely with what is widely known, namely that IFS (the ECMFWF global model)...
What is the better way to deal the missing and negative cells of satellite snow cover data
You could fill the gaps with the analysis products of numerical weather prediction. NCAR for example (RDA UCAR) hosts the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) with data from 1979 to 2018 ...
Methods and Software for Interpolating/Modelling of Stratigraphic Well Data in 2D/3D
I believe that Leapfrog 3D will do this. They have academic licenses. I also seem to recall that Intrepid Geomodeller does what you are after. Both of these options are probably overkill though.
Methods and Software for Interpolating/Modelling of Stratigraphic Well Data in 2D/3D
OpendTect may do this, however getting to that stage would be a painful experience.
Petrel can do this very easily, however, that is not anywhere near free...
If you're a student, your department ...
SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) for 40 years seasonal mean
The SPI statistic can be considered a standard normally distributed random variable $SPI \sim N(0,1)$. Thus the expected value, or mean, of the SPI statistic is $0$, and its standard deviation and ...
How does moveout correction work in seismic reflection profiling?
The offset is measured in meters, but the depth is still measured in time. The extra distance the wave have traveled to a longer offset is therefor also seen as an increased time in the CMP-gather (...
How do I find the Datum (Diurnal Correction) number for a Magnetometer
I have used the GEM magnetometers for 25 years as a professional geophysicist.
You can use the total field intensity of an IGRF model, or you can use the average value of all of the readings of the ...
Meterological measures -formula containing temperature, humidity, cloud, wind
The wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) combines 4 or 5 of your variables, while the wet bulb temperature (Tw, or equivalently the heat index, HI) combines only temperature and humidity. This chart from ...
How to calculate Ocean heat content?
The temperature readings are point samples which can occur at various depths depending on who took the reading, how they were taken & the conditions at the time when they were taken.
If modeling ...
What is this error regarding easting and northing of ground control points?
Easting and northing provide an alternative to latitude and longitude for specifying a point on the Earth ellipsoid. I suggest you read (for example) the wiki.gis.com pages on the Universal Transverse ...
Bias correction of CMIP6 projections
It depends on your goal. So, you should ask yourself first which variables you're studying, what you're doing with them, and which kind of questions you want to ask afterwards.
In general, CMIP6 data ...
Drying oven settings for drying soil samples
So if you try out a new oven without precise instructions, you will probably have to experiment yourself. I'd take 3 pots of soil from your garden, make them wet and test them at different settings.
Is "seismic energy released" a regionalized variable and can be analyzed using geostatistics?
An intrinsic assumption in using geostatistics is that one can approximate a distribution by a polynomial surface. In practice, maybe you can do this in a very simple geological situation, such as an ...
correct way to calculate transport through a section in an ocean numerical model
I have been using the routines in nctoolbox (also check here) that do all the slicing (vertical, horizontal, following a track).
The repository is in GitHub.
The one you should looking at is vsliceg....
What statistical methods are best for analyzing long-term rainfall data?
It depends on your data, if the rainfall data is in a grid with temporal and spatial dimension, you can use a NetCDF format to analyse the data via R, matlab, IDL or Python. NetCDF is Network Common ...
Seismogram deconvolution in SAC
I typed in the commands as shown using your data in SAC. I've uploaded my result. The plot window shows the result of the commands run in the highlighted red area. Is this what you are trying to do? ...
Best way to interpolate bathymetry with a directional component?
I had the same problem with surface DEM's. The best solution I found in Matlab was using the scatteredInterpolant class, it is inbuilt in Matlab. It allows Natural neighbour interpolation (that is a ...
How to best visualize temperature increase (due to climate change) using GHCN data?
JT's and CR's suggestions in the comments following the "first answer" are incorporated in the gif's below. The new ones that correspond to the previously-displayed ones are a bit more "jittery" than ...
How to best visualize temperature increase (due to climate change) using GHCN data?
Not really an answer, per se. However, as per JT's comment "you somehow need to incorporate the average" (which mirrors my own speculation in the original question), I've incorporated (subtracted out) ...
Are there resources for determining what percentage of the earth's surface is occupied by air conditioned spaces?
I would dispute the idea that the "vast majority" of the world's buildings have air con; in fact, considering that a large proportion of the world's buildings are either (a) in hitherto cool places; ...
Seeking climate and related sciences textbook recommendations
There are loads of books. I will refer you to one of my previous answers which can apply to the meteorological aspects of climate. An additional classic for climate is Physics of Climate by Peixoto ...
Local Weather Forecast (Self-Learning Algorithm)
You can build a machine learning algorithm with skill but you will need several parameters such as day of year, time of day, cloud cover, wind speed, and precipitation. However, keep in mind that ...
Comparing 2D fields - how do you quantify similarity?
Model data seta can vary in several ways from a reference data set. Taylor diagrams visually compare multiple datasets output to a reference dataset (e.g., model experiments to observations). This is ...
Does the Earth produces measurable gravity waves?
Edit: This answer refers to the first version of this question which asked about "gravitational waves".
Typically, the term "gravitational wave" is reserved for distortions ("...
How to calculate wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) using only temperature and humidity?
Explicit Calculations of Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Compared With Approximations and Why It Matters for Labor Productivity might help explain what's going on.
Liljegren's method appears to be ...
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