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18 votes
2 answers

Does the US National Weather Service use Celsius or Fahrenheit?

This tweet from the National Weather Service in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA says: We have officially hit -30 here at the NWS La Crosse office as of 520 a.m. The wind chill is -54. Be sure to dress ...
uhoh's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does the global temperature vary daily (hotter and colder days)?

Earth's current average global temperature (i.e. including hot deserts and cold polar caps) is reported be somewhere between 14°C and 16°C (depending on sources and methods). This temperature varies ...
summerrain's user avatar
5 votes
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How would I use data to find specific humidity and mixing ratio?

I keep reviewing this table to compare and contrast my results: The parcel of air is at 35°C and a relative humidity of 43%. I used this online calculator and it stated that with these two factors ...
yre's user avatar
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9 votes
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Where did the daily temperature variation go?

Currently central and northern Europe are experiencing a very cold, false-spring like weather phenomenon. When i look at local weather charts, the daily temperature cycle seems to be completely gone, ...
AtmosphericPrisonEscape's user avatar
5 votes
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Satellite ocean near-surface air temperature data

For my study, I need to use satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and at the same time I also need satellite air temperature data (Ta) for the first few meters above the ocean. For SST I'll be ...
Edwinward's user avatar
5 votes
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How do we calculate an average temperature for the air above a specific point from weather data?

I'm doing a school project on cosmic rays (using data from the HiSPARC database), and we need to be able to calculate the average temperature of the atmosphere above specific cities on a specific date ...
H. Clutterbuck's user avatar
3 votes
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Interpolation and extrapolation of unstructured data in python: memory error

I have 3 arrays, for longitude, latitude and temperature (so the observations are scattered in space). I want to apply interpolation on these data, but also extrapolation. I 've written the code beow, ...
Stavros Keppas's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How to interpolate scattered data to a regular grid in Python?

I have three txt files for longitude, latitude and temperature (or let's say three lists lon, lat, temp) from scattered weather station in the UK. I would like firstly to interpolate these data in ...
Stavros Keppas's user avatar
2 votes
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Why has the average low for the hottest months in Clearwater Florida about 5 degrees higher than the historical average?

Look up Clearwater Florida on Wikipedia and it gives you the average low for the Months of July and August as being 74.2F. About 3-4 years ago I picked up running as a main hobby and the temperature ...
Jason's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Why does relative humidity seem to correlate with high temperature (at least where I live)?

I live in New Jersey. Now that summer is coming on us, temperatures and outdoor relative humidity are both increasing. I've noticed the few years that I've lived here that there seems to be a rough ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
4 votes
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ISA Model and GFS data

I have a newbie question... I always used the International Standard Atmosphere model whenever I needed to calculate the temperature in a given altitude. It always looked accurate to me... However,...
guilhermecgs's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How to design an experiment to quantify back radiation from atmospheric carbon dioxide?

Based on our current knowledge of CO$_2$ and current instrumental techniques, how big would a laboratory sample of air with 400ppm of CO$_2$ need to be in order to quantify the back radiation from CO$...
user7733's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are there rules to estimate average temperature

I have temperature data from a weather station, but there are missing data (not more than 80% of the daily temperature observations). The World Meteorological Organization has some rules to validate ...
MSS's user avatar
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Is there a way to calculate the ground and 10m temperature from standard 2m temperature measurements?

I am wondering if it is possible at all to calculate the ground temperature and air temperature at 10m above ground from 2m measurements, or at least using data that a standard weather station ...
D Vida's user avatar
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Why do anticyclones bring clear skies in summertime?

It's obvious that in summer anticyclones bring hot weather. But why clear skies? Heat evaporates the moisture and should lead to the cloud formation, shouldn't it?
Gleb Voronchikhin's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Where'd Summer go?

So I live in Texas, and it get awfully hot in the summer- like 37°C hot- and yet, when winter rolls around, it can get down to 4° or 5° pretty easily. So, my limited understanding or weather and stuff ...
user32214's user avatar
3 votes
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Dynamic meteorology - calculating air temperature based off falling air

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this. Basically I have an exercise in dynamic meteorology that is set up like this: 1 kg of dry air is falling with a constant speed of 0.5 cm / s ...
PadaKatel's user avatar
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What factors affect daily temperature range?

I was wondering if the difference between the low temp and the high temp depended on just the humidity content and the altitude of a place. Or are there more factors? What about the time of year? How ...
user6847056's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is it colder in the mountains than at sea level?

I have heard numerous reasons why that is. I just want to know which one is right.
user6847056's user avatar
1 vote
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How strong is the correlation between the dew point of a town and the seawater temperature next to that town?

For example, the towns that has the highest dew point are usually next to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf where the seawater temperature exceeds 30 degrees in summer.
Nissa's user avatar
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Is there a simple temperature prediction model?

I'm working on piecing together a game that involve sea trading, loosely based on historical conditions. As a part of making the game, I'm creating a map. From that map, I'm trying to determine what ...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we change the temperature in atmosphere?

In the laboratory we can maintain the low level temperature like 0 to -13 degrees. Like that can we do this process in atmosphere. For instance atmosphere temperature is 35 degrees can we change the ...
G.Madhu's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why are deserts hotter than other places on Earth

We all know that deserts are the hottest places on Earth, but what makes them different from other parts of the world?
John's user avatar
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Maximum temperature possible on earth on a day

What is maximum temperature that can we have on earth on a single day? I assume that after a certain limit, radiation and convection would start working strongly to have equilibrium of surroundings. ...
user5910's user avatar
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Estimating fog incidence based on ocean temperature

In the tropics, say the Caribbean, I have read that there is very often a lot of nighttime and morning fog. I have read that the crucial factors are The ocean temperature Cool nighttime air ...
CAgrippa's user avatar
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Is there a formula for heat retained by an atmosphere, based on density and composition?

I'm looking for a formula, either precise or an approximation (it's for a video game so it's ok to have somewhat rough numbers), that determines heat retained from the sun by an atmosphere, based on ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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Why doesn't it snow even when it is below freezing?

I know the temperature of a place is determined by various factors, a few of which I can think of are: Altitude, distance from sea, latitude, wind etc. My question is basically regarding latitude. ...
Vini's user avatar
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4 votes
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What are the possible mechanisms that could cause a rapid drop of temperature over few days?

I live in Hong Kong. Two days ago, the average daily temperature was around 27–28 °C and in yesterday, it was around 22–23 °C (during daytime it was rather hot i.e. 26–27 °C and it was at night that ...
y chung's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Does lapse rate apply below sea level?

In many parts of the world there are dry lands below sea level, such as parts of the Netherlands. Since we know that temperature decreases with increasing altitude, does it mean that temperature will ...
zbz.lvlv's user avatar
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Why are there different vertical gradients of temperature in different layers of the atmosphere?

The temperature of the troposphere decreases with altitude whereas it is opposite in the stratosphere and again fluctuates. Why is this so?
Jayanth Kumar's user avatar
7 votes
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Dew point variation in a day

Is this true? "If there are no weather front or severe weather systems, then the dew point within a single day is fairly constant, no matter how large the day/night temperature variation."
Nissa's user avatar
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2 answers

Are Southern Hemisphere 'Polar Blasts' caused by global warming?

The SMH journalist writes about a cold snap hitting the East Coast of Australia in July 2015: Proof of the big chill will be the extent of regions across Tasmania, Victoria and NSW experiencing zero ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why do certain areas on Earth have a higher or lower air pressure at sea level?

For instance, looking at this map of world air pressure in January and this map of July, why do some land surfaces have a higher pressure during the winter? I know that the tropics and Coriolis ...
Kaelan Cooter's user avatar
13 votes
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Dry atmospheric temperature profile (dry adiabatic vs. isothermal)

I'm trying to understand why there are differing predictions of the atmospheric temperature profile. It is well established that the dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is: $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}T}{\mathrm{...
peter's user avatar
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15 votes
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Are cloudy nights warmer than nights without clouds?

I have noticed this winter that nights without clouds (especially when the 12h before the night where not cloudy) were way colder than the cloudy ones. It makes sense to me because the clouds can ...
MagTun's user avatar
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Why does air seem to affect local surface temperatures so much?

Last winter, several areas in the US and Canada were hit by a "polar vortex." I happen to live in one of those areas and was amazed how much the temperature seemed to change so suddenly just because a ...
Stan Shunpike's user avatar
7 votes
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Resources to determine temperature probability for a given location on a given date

What tools or resources are available (free) on the web to determine the probability of a given point on the earth to be at or above (or below) a specific temperature on a specific date. Some [...
PattMauler's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I downscale daily values of relative humidity?

I have a dataset (The ISIMIP interpolation of CMIP5 output) that contains daily values of the following variables: ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

July/August hottest months (northern hemisphere): because of continued warming or other effects?

In the northern hemisphere, July and August are the hottest months statistically1, but the days start shortening after June 21st. Is this just because the Northern Hemisphere keeps heating up after ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Is it right practice to validate temperature data with reanalysis data?

For a project I am working on I received raw data from many meteorology stationes. Is it right practice to test this data against air temperature from noaa's ncep/ncar data?
eliavs's user avatar
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Where can I get archived hourly temperature data?

I am looking for historical hourly temperature data from many cities in the US what other data sources are there except wunderground? UPDATE: I will use the data to compare stations from the same ...
eliavs's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation associated with stronger El Niños?

This is a question inspired by the post at Cliff Mass Weather Blog: "Is a Super El Nino Coming Next Winter?". There is something else. You ever hear of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation? This is ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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How common is it for warm fronts to be responsible for record high temperatures?

Warm fronts are associated with an increase in temperature and precipitation. But are they often associated with record high daily maximum temperatures, given that they often result in an increase in ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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Why is Montana warmer than Wyoming?

The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) data shows the mean temperature from 1971-2000 for Montana was 5.97°C (42.74°F) and Wyoming's was 5.54°C (41.98°F). Montana is at a higher latitude, so this ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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How accurate are climate proxies in giving us a clear picture of global average temperatures throughout Earth history?

Since reliable modern records of climate only began in the 1880s, proxies provide a means for scientists to determine climatic patterns before record-keeping began, though it appears that the the ...
blunders's user avatar
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7 votes
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How can I calculate the average latitudinal temperature anomaly between a city and all other locations along the city's latitude?

E.g. How could I calculate the average temperature anomaly between, say, Boulder, CO and all other locations along the 40N parallel? What about Boulder, CO, and all other locations along 40N at ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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How do I explain why the Tibetan plateau is colder than lowlands at similar latitudes?

A common layman explanation for why does it get colder to higher elevations (considering only the troposphere here) qualitatively boils down to The Sun heats the Earth's surface and the Earth's ...
gerrit's user avatar
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How does the pole-to-equator temperature gradient scale with height contours?

Are the pole-to-equator temperature gradients lower at higher heights than at lower heights (like 850 mb/500 mb)? If so, why is it the case? Especially given that the zonal circulation tends to be ...
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